
Monster Girls Encyclopedia 2

Page history last edited by Jason 15 years, 2 months ago

Here are some more of the Monster Girls Encyclopedia:
























Look for more pictures to come, if this artist keeps creating and my muse keeps working.


Monster Girls Encyclopedia  FrontPage

Comments (24)

Randall said

at 8:33 pm on Jun 17, 2009

Some interesting additions, though I do wonder if there is any sort of order to these entries.

Jason said

at 9:19 pm on Jun 17, 2009

At this time, I don't have the pictures in any set order with story ideas. I even readjusted the pictures some when I started writing these stories. As I begin to stick with a time line for the story, I will move the picture for the next chapter into place.

Randall said

at 1:36 pm on Jun 23, 2009

Ah, so any semblance of order beyond the pictures that are part of an established storyline is pretty much accidental.

Jason said

at 5:44 pm on Jun 23, 2009

Actually, I've been moving the pictures so that they will follow the story line. In other words, when I finish the next story, which will continue with another attack on another compound, I will move that picture to the proper place. Eventually, I will move the Scylla picture to it's proper location in the story line. Just not sure where it fits into the story line just yet.

Randall said

at 3:06 pm on Jun 24, 2009

So eventually all the girls in this encyclopedia will have stories set in the same reality? Should be interesting to see how you manage that since you have three science fiction stories and several of these girls are magical in nature.

Razamataz said

at 1:27 am on Nov 21, 2009

I love all of these stories. I have had the pictures for quite some time and have been thinking about writing stories about them but you have beaten me to it and I can tell you that yours are far superior to what mine would have been. It seems you are setting yourself too high a goal though. More and more of these pictures are released by the month and unless you solely focus on the Monster Girls you will slowly be bogged down I believe. I reckon if you bang out some of the ones which would be simple to do....like Arcahne it would be for the best. It would also make me incredibly happy just to read the latest installment. Hope to hear from you soon

Solidness said

at 4:19 am on Nov 21, 2009

DO want a Dark Angel or Nightmare.

Razamataz said

at 5:06 am on Nov 23, 2009

u want a Dark Angel or Nightmare. i want ANYTHING new

Cranfree said

at 11:34 pm on Nov 23, 2009

Not necessarily from the same series, but I thought it was too good a picture to not even suggest.

Jason said

at 12:09 am on Nov 24, 2009

It's a great picture, Cranfree; just not one of those that are listed in the MGE.

JTR1 said

at 5:05 pm on Nov 28, 2009

I almost wondering where you have putten other pictures then I seen link to encyclopedia part 2, very nice things, me likes Angels, Fairies, Sea Slimes and Alices, dunno why ^^

JTR1 said

at 5:13 pm on Nov 28, 2009

Blah forgot, you might plan to make a vampire girl?

Dark said

at 3:26 pm on Nov 30, 2009

why did you delete the ghost?

Jason said

at 5:40 pm on Nov 30, 2009

@ JTR1 - I don't make these. I just write the stories based on these pictures and their descriptions.

@ Dark - I found out the ghost that I had up was not a real entry for this collection. I will wait for the actual artist/creator of this series to make one (if they do).

Dark said

at 5:49 pm on Nov 30, 2009

the ghost is made, but its not translated yet

JTR1 said

at 7:03 pm on Nov 30, 2009

where you get the pics from if me may asks? maybe me can helps translate (but do not count on it) ^^

Dark said

at 10:59 pm on Dec 14, 2009

hey Jason, when will you upload the real ghost and the siren?

dork95 said

at 3:36 pm on Aug 17, 2010

does anybody know if the link: http://www.monstergirlunlimited.proboards.com/index.cgi, was moved to another link or deleted?

GoodMorningSunshine said

at 3:57 pm on Aug 17, 2010

@dork95: The forum moved. Here's the new link: http://www.monstergirlunlimited.com/forum/

Garchomp87 said

at 1:22 am on Oct 7, 2010

Is it a hentai forum?

ginxyz2000@... said

at 6:27 pm on Aug 20, 2010

Some great stuff here.

Garchomp87 said

at 11:45 pm on Sep 22, 2010

I found some new ones.

dork95 said

at 12:52 am on Sep 24, 2010

how come i can't get onto the forum? When i go to the forum it says there is no page.

dork95 said

at 5:18 pm on Sep 24, 2010

nevermind, it works gain.

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