
Monster Girls Encyclopedia

Page history last edited by Jason 15 years, 3 months ago

Here are the translated versions of the Monster Girls Encyclopedia:






















































Here are more of them here, since I can't load them all on one page:  Monster Girls Encyclopedia 2



Comments (6)

ChaosLacky said

at 5:29 am on Dec 22, 2009

Are these from an actual RPG? If so, what is it called and where can I find it?

Perentie said

at 11:34 am on Jan 19, 2010

No, it's not a RPG, rather the entries are translated from a Japanese website whose artist posts them, apparently as a fun hobby. They may one day inspire a game though, and possibly have with the lamia hentai game released by Vanidis.

This is the link to the artist/author's main news page: http://jikozel.sub.jp/index.html

This link is direct to the list of monster girls the artist has done already and to stories about them (not affiliated with the stories here): http://jikozel.sub.jp/mamonogirllover/zukan/index.html

ko-ra-zak said

at 8:48 pm on Jan 23, 2010

which monster girl are you working on next?

loki61089 said

at 11:13 am on May 20, 2010

I'd like to know which is next as well ^^; Unless you'll take a request on one? If so, I'd love to see either Dark Slime or Gargoyle be completed. *nod*

Great work on all of your stories mjm, and I look forward to your next update! ^_^

Shockwave said

at 8:14 pm on Aug 30, 2010

Thanks for posting these translations, since they help me reference which monster girls are more 'lethal' than others. I also appreciate your work and I hope to finish the first chapter to a story, which you and your skills have inspired me to do.

Aon said

at 11:37 am on Jan 5, 2011

a collector buys a statue and finds out it is actually a gargoyle. .... just an idea

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